Free Fire MAX (Image via Garena/Screenshot)
Stats Comparison: Battle royale mode is played the most in Free Fire MAX. Comparison between players shows who is better. Both FozyAjay and Kill2Head are strong players. Many people will wonder who is the better content creator among the two. This article will compare the Battle Royale stats of both.
FozyAjay vs Kill2Head: Who Has Better Stats in Free Fire MAX?
FozyAjay’s Free Fire MAX ID is 29777293 and below are his Battle Royale Stats:
RozyAjay (Image via Garena/Screenshot)
FozyAjay has participated in 37075 squad matches and won 10495 matches. He has 90618 kills and his K/D ratio is 3.41. This YouTuber has participated in 1420 duo matches and won 267 matches. He has done 3005 eliminations here and his K/D ratio is 2.61. Ajay has played 925 matches and won 108 in solo mode. His K/D ratio is 1.95 and he has 1591 kills.
Kill2Head’s Free Fire MAX ID is 712686969 and below are his Battle Royale Career Stats:
Kill2Head (Image via Garena/Screenshot)
Kill2Head has played 7065 matches in squad mode and won 1346. He has 16537 eliminations and his K/D ratio is 2.89. He has played 3434 duo matches and won 279. In this he has 5506 kills and his K/D ratio is 1.75. He has participated in 3099 solo matches and won 153. He has 5353 kills and his K/D ratio is 1.82.
The stats of both FozyAjay and Kill2Head are quite impressive. In terms of K/D ratio, FozyAjay’s stats are better in solo, duo and squad modes.
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